May 14

English 1- Cellphone effects

Beep! Beep! Beep! That’s the sound of a text that is so important that many young teens have risked their education or risked their life to read that so called “important text.”whether in a car or at school people’s lives have been changed by cell phones positively by improving their communication and negatively by risking their education.

Cell phones can have a huge negative impact on students in the classroom or even adults when they are driving down the road.For example, when a teacher is going over information that is going to be on the next test, and a student is on their phone, the next day when it is time for the test the student will most likely do very poor. Which can affect their education and cause them to fail the class or even that year. In addition, phones have even caused people to lose their lives, and possibly kill others, because they had to check that so called “important text” while driving. Some people are even saying that the number of phone related car crash deaths are passing drunk driving. Therefore, cell phones have affected people’s lives by messing up their education and even ending their lives.

Cell phones have a negative effect on people, but they can also have a positive effect on people by improving their communication. For example, when a college student wants to talk to his parents who live several hours away he can talk to them via skype, text, or phone call. This helps the college students so they don’t have to drive several hours away when they can just talk to them right where they are. In addition, if a family crashes a car or they get stranded in the middle of nowhere they can call for help from a family member, family, or even 911.Therefore, cellphones have affected people’s lives in a positive way by improving their communication, which can save their life if they are in a dangerous situation.

Cell phones are affecting people’s lives by improving their communication, but they are also affecting people’s lives negatively by risking their education and even their lives.


Posted May 14, 2015 by mwoodard in category English writing Portfolio

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