May 14

English 1- effects of difficult times on people

Losing your home to a fire,tornado,or even the bank has a hard impact on people.The same impact is left when a family or friend passes away. They both give a sad and helpless feeling.Even though difficult times usually have a negative effect on people such as losing family member or a close friend,they can also have a positive effect on people such as making them stronger or even inspiring them.

Difficult times can have a life changing effect on people,of all sorts of backgrounds and history.For example, veterans go and fight for this country all the time and come back mentally damaged and are missing one or more limbs.Yet some of the brave men and women manage to come back even stronger than when they left to fight for our freedom. In addition, the poor people that are homeless and are left to starve on the side of the street in the rain, cold, and natural disasters. Yet when they have nothing, no food, no running water, no bed sleep on when they get tired, they still manage to be inspired and help others and change their life and make others feel better about themselves.Therefore, difficult times can affect people in a positive way such as the homeless people and the brave veterans of this country.

Difficult times can not only affect people in a positive way, but in can also affect them in a negative way.For example, when a family member or a close friend passes away, it can send someone into a deep depression of missing them and wanting them to be back. In addition, when money is tight and the man of the house, who is making minimum wage at his crummy McDonald’s job, can’t pay the bills, he and his wife will tend to fight about the money and how they are going to be able to afford the bills, which ends up causing family problems.Therefore, difficult times can affect people in a negative way such as causing family problems, or a deep depression of losing a family member or friend.

When going through difficult times it can have a negative effect such as family problems or going into a depressing state.But it can also have a positive effect such as making the people stronger or inspiring them to change something in their life.


Posted May 14, 2015 by mwoodard in category English writing Portfolio

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