May 14

Poem- I am a Tiger

You might think i’m just
a fifteen-year-old boy
with blonde hair
and blue eyes
But I know I am more
way more than that
Not a elephant or a deer
not a bug or a snake
A Tiger
A fast pouncing Tiger
When i’m stalking my prey
hiding away
in the shadows of the night
Or resting in my den
of sorrows
or when i’m put in my cage
known as school
I am a Tiger
starving for freedom
I am righteous
I am strong
I am solid
I am a Tiger
I lay my head down at night
and start my cycle again
in the morning light

May 14

English 1- effects of difficult times on people

Losing your home to a fire,tornado,or even the bank has a hard impact on people.The same impact is left when a family or friend passes away. They both give a sad and helpless feeling.Even though difficult times usually have a negative effect on people such as losing family member or a close friend,they can also have a positive effect on people such as making them stronger or even inspiring them.

Difficult times can have a life changing effect on people,of all sorts of backgrounds and history.For example, veterans go and fight for this country all the time and come back mentally damaged and are missing one or more limbs.Yet some of the brave men and women manage to come back even stronger than when they left to fight for our freedom. In addition, the poor people that are homeless and are left to starve on the side of the street in the rain, cold, and natural disasters. Yet when they have nothing, no food, no running water, no bed sleep on when they get tired, they still manage to be inspired and help others and change their life and make others feel better about themselves.Therefore, difficult times can affect people in a positive way such as the homeless people and the brave veterans of this country.

Difficult times can not only affect people in a positive way, but in can also affect them in a negative way.For example, when a family member or a close friend passes away, it can send someone into a deep depression of missing them and wanting them to be back. In addition, when money is tight and the man of the house, who is making minimum wage at his crummy McDonald’s job, can’t pay the bills, he and his wife will tend to fight about the money and how they are going to be able to afford the bills, which ends up causing family problems.Therefore, difficult times can affect people in a negative way such as causing family problems, or a deep depression of losing a family member or friend.

When going through difficult times it can have a negative effect such as family problems or going into a depressing state.But it can also have a positive effect such as making the people stronger or inspiring them to change something in their life.

May 14

English 1- Cellphone effects

Beep! Beep! Beep! That’s the sound of a text that is so important that many young teens have risked their education or risked their life to read that so called “important text.”whether in a car or at school people’s lives have been changed by cell phones positively by improving their communication and negatively by risking their education.

Cell phones can have a huge negative impact on students in the classroom or even adults when they are driving down the road.For example, when a teacher is going over information that is going to be on the next test, and a student is on their phone, the next day when it is time for the test the student will most likely do very poor. Which can affect their education and cause them to fail the class or even that year. In addition, phones have even caused people to lose their lives, and possibly kill others, because they had to check that so called “important text” while driving. Some people are even saying that the number of phone related car crash deaths are passing drunk driving. Therefore, cell phones have affected people’s lives by messing up their education and even ending their lives.

Cell phones have a negative effect on people, but they can also have a positive effect on people by improving their communication. For example, when a college student wants to talk to his parents who live several hours away he can talk to them via skype, text, or phone call. This helps the college students so they don’t have to drive several hours away when they can just talk to them right where they are. In addition, if a family crashes a car or they get stranded in the middle of nowhere they can call for help from a family member, family, or even 911.Therefore, cellphones have affected people’s lives in a positive way by improving their communication, which can save their life if they are in a dangerous situation.

Cell phones are affecting people’s lives by improving their communication, but they are also affecting people’s lives negatively by risking their education and even their lives.

May 14

English 1-most challenging job.

American Sniper, a book/movie, is about a heroic navy Seal Sniper, and it shows how hard it is to be a ruthless sniper in the tough, dry, hot desert of Afghanistan. Weather a Navy Seal or a Marine, I believe that being in the U.S. Army is the most challenging job, because soldiers have to be both mentally and physically strong.

Soldier’s have to be physically strong, because being in the Army is very demanding on endurance and strength. For example, Mark Owen, from the book “No Easy Day”,was training to be a Navy Seal and one of his challenges was to run for 10 miles without stopping in full uniform. If he did not complete the run, he would fail the training and then he would be dropped out of Navy Seal school. For many of us trying to run for 10 miles straight would not be possible, but to be in the Army it takes being in near perfect physical shape. Therefore, soldier’s need to be in the best shape in their lives to fight in the rugged, dry, hot terrain of Afghanistan.

To be a U.S. soldier, no matter what branch, takes not only physical, but also mental strength.For example, Chris Kyle, the Navy Seal from American sniper, was on his first deployment and saw a kid and his mom about a hundred yards from 12 marines.The kids mom handed the kid a grenade, and when the kid received the grenade he took off in a sprint to towards the marines. The kid had every intention of killing the marines and Chris knew this for a fact. Chris had to shoot the kid to protect his fellow Americans, but if he didn’t have mental strength to make that decision those 12 marines would most likely would have been killed.Therefore, to be a U.S. soldier they need to have mental strength to be able to make tough decisions that go along with the job.

Thus, I believe that being a soldier in the U.S. Army is the most challenging job because it takes extreme physical strength,just as Mark Owens showed, and it also takes a lot of mental strength to be able to make tough decisions,just as Chris Kyle showed by making the tough decision to kill that kid to protect his fellow Americans